Article: Meg DeAngelis Gets Awkward In Her All New, Amazing YouTube Video! Watch Here!


You see your crush and a few things instantly start happening, the usual heart-eye emojis pop into your eyes, your hearts beats 10x faster and a few awkward things might just happen right after that. Us girls can all relate to YouTube sensation, Meg DeAngelis’ latest YouTube video she shared today, “5 Extremely Awkward Things Girls Do Around Guys” because we all have been a victim of the old “pretend to fall / drop something” in front of your crush trick.

The fun-loving and vibrant Meg DeAngelis tweeted, “uploading a later today. Eeeeek, happy sunday! This video is a little….”awkward” to give you a hint.”

Meg DeAngelis’ videos are so creative and entertaining to watch. This magnificent, young lady can always put a smile on her viewers’ faces. Check out Meg DeAngelis’ amazing new YouTube video below and don’t forget to watch the last few minutes of the video as Meg DeAngelis wants YOU all to tweet her your best pick-up lines or pick-up lines YOU have received! Comment below and tell me or tweet me at @alexisjoyvipacc, which extremely awkward thing did YOU relate to the most?

Follow Meg DeAngelis on Twitter: @MegsDeAngelis

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